Usher Board #2
The history of any usher board can be found in the Bible. The organization was given various names and titles, “Doorkeepers”, “Watchman”, “Gatekeeper”, etc. One can look at the long reign of King David and actually see the division and assignment of duties
to the various Levite clans. These strong religious men and women were forerunners of the modern usher boards.
Our mission as a member of the Senior Usher Ministry is to serve as doorkeepers in the house of God, as we also support the vision of the Pastor. To assist in creating and maintaining an atmosphere where the worshippers can focus their undivided attention upon the Lord at all times. Ushers represent the church in a very visible way, helping to set the tone in preparation for worship service, as well as assisting with the smooth operation of the service.
Ushering is a ministry to serve people as Jesus says in Mark 10:45 (NIV) “For even the son of man did not come to be served but to serve. . .” Part of our duties as an Usher is to help prepare the church for each service, assist with the offering, greet and assist
worshippers with seating and be attentive and alert to serve at all times. The requirements are very basic, a Christian spirit, commitment to tithing, courteous, promptness and plenty of love in your heart and smiles.
President: Pattreen Washington